Why “Sic” Publishing?


Why We Named Our Company Sic Publishing: Staying True to the Original

When we set out to establish our publishing house, we knew we wanted a name that truly captured our mission. After much consideration, we settled on “Sic Publishing.” Now, we’re aware that the name might raise a few eyebrows—after all, “sic” is often seen in print to indicate a mistake or an unusual choice of words. But for us, it represents something far more meaningful.

“Sic” has its roots in Latin, where it means “thus” or “as is.” It’s a phrase that affirms what you’re seeing is exactly what was intended, no more, no less. This idea of preserving the original meaning is at the heart of what we do at Sic Publishing. We are dedicated to exploring the world’s most pressing issues—human rights, immigration, gender apartheid, racism, and other significant topics—through compelling human stories. And we believe these stories are best told in the author’s own words, without being altered or softened for broader appeal.

In a time when much of what we read is generated by AI, there’s something uniquely powerful about a story told “as is” by a real person. We want to hear the authentic voice of the writer, to experience the raw emotion, and to understand the nuance that only the original words can convey. That’s why we chose “Sic”—to underscore our commitment to publishing works that stay true to the author’s intent, free from the influence of marketing trends or political considerations.

Of course, a name like “Sic” might come with its challenges. Yes, it might make some think of errors or sloppy mistakes, but let us assure you, there’s nothing careless about our approach to publishing. We work with the highest calibre of translators, editors, and creators who are meticulous in their craft, ensuring that each book we release is professional and polished. But while we refine the presentation, we never edit out the essence of the work.

At Sic Publishing, our name is our promise: to stay faithful to the original, to respect the voice of the author, and to bring you stories that are as honest, as real, and as human as they come.

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